Blog Bootstrap
A short introduction to the blog.
Howdy! 👋
This site will be an area for me to braindump everything and anything that comes across my mind - although I’ll try my best to keep it tech-focused!
The blog platform itself is pretty basic. It is built using Hugo, hosted using GitHub Pages, while served over a custom domain via CloudFlare. While this isn’t exactly anything to brag about, it is only meant to be a quick and easy platform to spin up and get hosted so that I can focus on what really matters… the content!
It also gives me an opportunity to migrate the platform from GitHub Pages onto another hosted platform. Maybe that is AWS, which is a perfect learning opportunity, or even customise the theme of this blog (which is very cool already - thanks hugo-coder!) that I have left as its default. All of which provides me with more content to blog about!
See you around!